jeudi 11 décembre 2014

A woman bathing in a stream { Haptomai II & III } - Ars Musica Nov 2014

A woman bathing in a stream
{ Haptomai II & III }

ARS MUSICA  -  22 / 11 / 2014

" an approach of Hendrickje Stoffels "

haptomai I, II & III 
( just II & III in this film )

Around (by haptic perception's movements) the Rembrandt's painting, and his
(and the) merged, in the nebula material, jewishness, through the timeline (chronologically, and about the substance, the matter, of the piece).
Each Haptomai (main mvnts, through a triptych) remove the bearings between specific directions (meaning of a lecture).

is also a work on tradition and modernity; on the possibility of writing a Septuor (combined electronics without mixed modernism attitude), today;
on the question whether the concept of melody, mvnts, determined figure, can be actualized in "avant-garde" music;
on harmonic procedures based on "mathematical" operations, and on organicity as triggered material, or trigger by itself.

A cotonne phenomena crumbling the various bodies, as poetic figure as sap of the sounds, regenerated and decomposed (and distraught), awaiting the next phenomena.
A "Unanswered timelessness" question. A matter as bodies, body and mind. Model and physical character. Jewishness through the substance's ambiguity and the timeline.

Perception, tools (reduced, material and part of the painter's body), calque's techniques and deep emotional invisible lines of strength (gestures, as a space defined by this), 

of the painter and his work.

Musique pour 7 instrumentistes,
7 real-time electronics sources,
and Tapes.
(amplified instruments)
( ≈ 21 ' )

Performed & created by Ensemble 21

Commande du festival Ars Musica.
Espace Senghor, Bruxelles,